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ABC History
Our story begins in 2020 ...
In June 2020 (yes, during the coronavirus pandemic), a group of 12-men met to discuss beginning a church in NW Arkansas that would be committed to expository preaching of the Bible, biblical fellowship, biblical worship, biblical leadership, and prayer. After weeks of discussion with each other, prayer, input from a faithful church planter and friend from Cornerstone Community Church in Las Vegas, as well as the encouragement of others in NWA desiring this kind of church, it was decided to begin Anchor Bible Church (ABC).
ABC's first gathering as a church was July 5, 2020 in Fayetteville, AR.
From the beginning, ABC was led by two elders/pastors: Brad Arnold and Greg Peterson. Both men were highly trained and experienced in expository preaching and shepherding. They faithfully led ABC for a year and a half before the Lord Jesus took Brad home to Heaven in January 2022 after complications from a planned open heart surgery. Pastor Brad was the main teaching pastor and his sermons were foundational to the infant years of ABC as he taught faithfully through 1 Thessalonians, James, and half of 1 Timothy. Pastor Brad's excellent expositional teaching (along with his shepherding heart) was a gift to ABC and we are the fruit of his diligent and obedient adherence to 2 Tim 4:2, "Preach the Word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction." Pastor Brad's sermons can still be accessed from our YouTube channel, as well as tributes to his life and ministry. Pastor Greg continues on as the pastor of ABC.
In 2023, ABC took on a pastoral intern, Brandon Scott, who was already faithfully leading as a deacon at ABC in the corporate worship gathering. As part of his internship, Brandon is attending Seminary online at Shepherd's Theological Seminary (STS) in which he is receiving excellent biblical & theological education, but also practical pastoral training for the local church. In 2024, ABC added another intern, Harrison Smith, who leads as the evangelism coordinator. Harrison also attends STS.
ABC recognizes that ABC is Jesus' church and submits to His Lordship, His Headship, and His Shepherding through the preaching and teaching of the Bible, through the spiritual giftedness of one another, and through prayer.